Since the 1960's, chemotherapy has been the primary treatment for cancer in the United States - despite questionable benefits and the terrible suffering it causes patients who are already experiencing a major health challenge. But would you believe that the only real reason chemotherapy is still around is because consumers are simply conditioned to blindly follow authority without asking their own questions. Furthermore, the undue fear that has been associated with cancer immediately puts most people into a state of shock - in which they will acquiesce to anyone who offers to help them. Well, here are 5-things you should consider before simply going along with convention and subjecting yourself to a treatment most doctors wouldn't even use:
1. By medical standards, chemotherapy is not really that effective. It is estimated that about half of all cancer patients get chemotherapy despite the fact it only appears to be helping about 5% of those people. In some placebo trials with various kinds of cancer, placebos (essentially sugar pills) are effective far more than 5% of the time; leading one to believe that it may be better to take a sugar pill, or just do nothing at all, rather than endure the misery that is chemotherapy.
2. Chemotherapy is a poison that kills healthy cells along with cancer cells. Chemotherapy weakens every part of your body - including the immune system - leaving the body to fight cancer and the effects of poisoning in a weakened state, and leaving the body vulnerable to secondary infections. Chemotherapy is also believed to cause rapid spread of cancer in a large number of cases - perhaps because of its weakening effect on the immune system.
3. In a recent survey, 81% of the oncologists asked said that they would not submit themselves, or their family members, to chemotherapy due to its low success rates coupled with its unpredictable risks and unmanageable side-effects - not to mention the extreme suffering caused by the poisons used. Studies suggest that chemotherapy provides no significant benefit over doing nothing at all - and that chemotherapy toxins may actually make conditions much worse for the patient.
4. Alternative cancer cures are abundant, affordable, and available; though, due to aggressive practice protection laws, the American Medical Association (AMA) is diligent about persecuting and prosecuting anyone who claims to be able to cure cancer without a prescription. Though cancer is a catch-all phrase for over a hundred different disease presentations, the AMA still defends a catch-all therapeutic approach that has never been effective. Seek out alternatives before making a decision on how to treat cancer. You can only make an informed decision if you have information on the subject. We have all been programmed to think and believe that if we get cancer we should go to the doctor and let him do whatever he wants so we don't die. Cancer is survivable; and modern medical approaches are not necessarily the most effective approaches to treating cancer patients. Many alternative approaches to the treatment of cancer have much higher success rates than any approach offered by pharmaceutical companies.
5. No matter what form of treatment you use to address illness, it has always been the body that does the healing - specifically, the immune system. Even if you choose to use chemotherapy, you need to do whatever you can to support your immune system naturally through and after the process. Chemotherapy can't heal you; it can only destroy cells. If your immune system is destroyed in the process, you simply won't heal. Explore alternative health approaches for safe, non-invasive methods of strengthening the body and immune system - if not to cure the cancer, than at least to survive the chemotherapy.
The bottom line is that you alone are responsible for your health; and, if you have a serious, or life-threatening, condition, you need to seriously consider what you want to do about it. Don't let fear decide for you. Fear kills; and it often does so by using stress to limit your mental access to creative solutions to your problems. Not everyone who gets cancer dies from it; but everyone dies. Calm down, breathe, and rationally consider the vast array of alternative approaches available to you. Make your decision knowing that it is the right one, and that you are doing it for the purpose of restoring health and order to your body, mind, and life. What one can do, others can do. Others before you have survived cancer - with and without doctors and medicine. You can too!
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